A garden is more than some dirt and plants. It is a place of serenity. It can be a collision of art and nature. Also a bed of plentiful harvest. This collection is a scrap book of all things gardening that bring joy

Available for Hire! Garden Guru Joey

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Cactus Christmas Tree

I understand that Christmas trees are another high-price item in 2021. I have never really understood the supply & demand of harvesting beautiful trees, and how many people adorn our homes with them only to toss them into the alley a month later. It does not seem just, but I continue to do so myself almost every year. Selfishly, for the joy it brings me. And to me, an artificial tree does not bring the same value - as well as the storage in the basement the other 11 months of the year.

So there is no surprise to find that the trending succulents out there are now disguising themselves in miniature as a Christmas Tree. It makes logical sense. They are the most low-maintenance house plant possible. They are now found as wall decor, Autumn centerpieces planted in hollowed gourds. They barely ask for sunlight and a drop of water. Now we can find them sold as conical collages with an assortment of colors. Absolutely Adorable!

From the single web store I found them on; they are not entirely cheap. At around  $60 for 16", it makes one grateful for a $75 Blue Spruce that is at least five-fold that size. No offense, but I can guess a few of you with DIY Gardening skills could come up with some sort of foam stock base and pick up your own personal favorites at a garden store (if you can find one still open) - and create your own. Mind you, that by the time you invest in a good 16-20 small cacti, craft ribbons and maybe a few pinecones - that $60 price tag does not seem so outrageous.

It would get lost in your living room setting with a blazing fireplace. But for an urban apartment that is minimal in nature - it could be just the right fit. O Tannebaum!

If you are an impulse buyer; here is the link. Christmas Cacti Tree


Fashion Designs in 3-D with actual Flowers

Now that we are past the holiday rush and in for the long winter hibernation, what ways can we keep the art of the garden alive while inside...