A garden is more than some dirt and plants. It is a place of serenity. It can be a collision of art and nature. Also a bed of plentiful harvest. This collection is a scrap book of all things gardening that bring joy

Available for Hire! Garden Guru Joey

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

The Lost Words

This was a brand-new reveal to me last night from my dear friend Norah. Cancel culture is one of my biggest pet peeves as it continues to rear its ugly head. My stance is that each of us should decide for ourselves what we buy, eat, choose to read or support. Rather than have some other self-righteous person decide that they know better and would like to make that choice for me.

Lost Words Project dates back to 2017 when cancel culture came up against a Childrens' dictionary in Great Britain. Some academics made an editing choice to eliminate a trove of "unused" words and replace them with contemporary words. It was not done out of spite, but was felt that these words had become antiquated and more modern words from social media and technology would be better utilized by children. Again, some other figure in authority deciding what is best for us.

Art always seems to triumph and can be a creative alternative to challenge said authority. Robert MacFarlane and Jackie Morris made a statement by publishing a book to reclaim these words. Centered on nature - with words like Goldfinch, Willow, Acorn, Bluebell - they created a beautiful work that has gone global. Jackie has painted masterful, soft watercolors that resemble an Audubon book. And Robert has written not poems, but what he calls "spells" meant to be incanted and summon the words back into the commonplace. Even teaching guides f0r classrooms that go into depth not just about the words, but how they have evolved into our English language and literature. Amazing stuff. How had I never heard of these?

The book has been awarded many publishing medallions as well as selling millions. It has not gone full-scale with gallery exhibits of her work. A merchandise store with everything from tee shirts to jigsaw puzzles. And in New York, a collaboration of musical artists has composed them into actual songs available in recording and concerts as well.

They are calling the total social movement a Re-Wilding. I am all on board to spread some of these special seeds of nature. Love live the Wrens, Moths, Red Foxes and Jays

The Lost Spells - book

The Lost Words - recording

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Succulent Pillows

During these cold Minnesota Winters when we are craving all things green and gardens, how do you marry that desire with the comfort of just staying warm? File this under #BuyLocal, or at least Support Small Businesses.

This company started in 2018 in a small apartment where the founder was trying to find a way to intersect nature into her living space. A few years later, with plenty of green fabrics, Green Philosophy has a product line that features fabulous pillows and throws that border on Jungle. There are the cutest pillows in the shape of Succulents. How about a giant blanket of an Elephant Ear or Philodendron leaf? Maybe a mixed quilt of leaves or mushrooms? The product line is not vast with only 40+ offerings. But it is unique enough that everyone will wonder where you found something so unusual.

What's even better is that they have partnered with Trees for the Future and some of their profits are shared, going towards land regeneration in poverty countries by planting trees. More than 300,000 trees have been planted through the donations.

Please check out their website and pay it forward. Besides, you'll get some great Green Space out of the purchase.

Green Philosophy. com

Fashion Designs in 3-D with actual Flowers

Now that we are past the holiday rush and in for the long winter hibernation, what ways can we keep the art of the garden alive while inside...