A garden is more than some dirt and plants. It is a place of serenity. It can be a collision of art and nature. Also a bed of plentiful harvest. This collection is a scrap book of all things gardening that bring joy

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Monday, March 22, 2021

Looks Too Good To Eat

Flower blooms are almost like snowflakes, in that each one is so unique there is almost no duplicating. They are creations of nature often imitated but never copied. My mom has constantly been a fan of silk flowers for decades as she creates wreaths and arrangements. They have certainly come closer, but most still retain that Dollar Store quality that can be spotted as a fake from feet away.

In a different genre, there are edible flowers used in fine dining and even home baking. Violas, Nasturtiums, Squash Blossoms and Roses are common ways to add splash to a plate. Last year I even tried a stab at Lilac donuts. They were a novelty and I'm not sure I would make them a regular fixture, but for once a year, they made for a conversation piece.

 Joey's Lilac Donuts

These creations literally take the cake. There are several local bakeries, even the grocery chains that do credible work at mirroring natures blooms. But pastry chef Atelier Soo defies expectations and makes you really wonder if.... To start with, she has more brush strokes with a frosting bag than Bob Ross could imagine. And the colors that she mixes are nothing out of a Watkin's food coloring dropper. These are master works of art. An abundance of them that is awesome. I cannot imagine biting into one of them. Yes, the sugar content, but it would also be like defacing a piece of fine art.

Take a look at her Instagram page to a catch of glimpse of her mastery. She apparently does teach classes. If you happen to be passing through Seoul, South Korea! As I said, Too Good To Eat!

Atelier Soo - cakes




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